Thursday, December 3, 2009

Anemone Sidecar

My short "Necessary" is up at Anemone Sidecar, along with Ryan W. Bradley and Greg Gerke and many more. Thank you, Kathryn Rantala, Editor.


  1. hey ethel! i enjoyed "Necessary" a lot! what a treat to be in there with you!

  2. Wonderful short story with suffocating imagery! It makes me appreciate breathing.

  3. Hi Ryan, thanks for stopping by. Ditto!

    Aubrie, thanks for the kind words. Ah, yes, breathing, I suspect a great number of people aren't even aware of it.

  4. Great story, Ethel - I like the way you draw attention to what we take for granted and amplify that sense of being smothered - if even by the clouds themselves - as if the sky were a weight, impermeable, and that something invisible and intangible is vital to our existence. That is spot on - on so many levels - I love the layers here.
